Page 18 - TTMNSummer2024
P. 18

        Page 18                                                                                                Electronic Edition:

                      Rogers Small Business Owner Brings Wealth of Experience,

                      Service to ISD 728

        Written with/by CTE Instructor Tim Hahn  Jack’s commitment to the schools goes   has  also  fostered
        Independent School District 728     beyond  providing  advice,  Hahn  added.   a  sense  of  com-
            In  the  ISD  728  core  community  of   Understanding  the  signif cance  of  well-  munity   spirit,”
        Rogers, one small business owner is making   maintained equipment for effective learning,   Hahn said. “Jack’s
        a signif cant impact on local high schools, and   he plays a crucial role in ensuring that the   Small Engines has
        on hands-on learning.               engines used in these programs are running   become  a  reliable
            Jack Schalo, owner of a small engines   smoothly. Whenever a school needs replace-  partner  for  us  as
        repair  service  company,  has  emerged  as  a   ment  parts  or  maintenance  support,  Jack   educators,  contrib-
        dedicated  supporter  of  education  in  ISD   promptly  facilitates  the  process,  making  it   uting to the overall
        728.  His  commitment  goes  beyond  the   easier for small engine teachers to focus on   success  of  small
        typical  boundaries  of  entrepreneurship,  as   imparting valuable skills to their students.  engine programs.”
        he actively engages with high school small   What  sets  Jack  Schalo  apart  is  his   In  a  world
        engine programs, offering invaluable assis-  collaborative  approach  to  community   where  businesses
        tance  to  teachers  and  ensuring  the  smooth   engagement.  Rather  than  just  running  a   often  focus  solely
        running of equipment.               business, he actively participates in the local   on  prof ts,  Jack
            Jack’s  company  has  become  a  cor-  education  ecosystem.  Jack  fosters  a  sense   Schalo’s   dedica-
        nerstone  for  small  engine  programs  in  the   of community by establishing open lines of   tion  to  supporting
        school district. Recognizing the importance   communication  with  teachers,  creating  an   local  high  schools
        of hands-on learning, Jack actively collabo-  environment  where  they  feel  comfortable   in   the   District
        rates with high school small engine teachers,   seeking assistance and advice.  stands  out.  Through  his  active  involve-  On  behalf  of  ISD728,  thank  you  Jack
        providing  guidance  and  expertise  to  help   High  school  small  engine  teachers  in   ment  with  small  engine  programs,  Jack   for all your support and generosity. You are
        them navigate challenges in the workshop.  ISD728,  including  Mr.  Udee  (RHS),  Mr.   has  demonstrated  the  positive  impact  that   making a difference for hundreds of our stu-
            “His  involvement  extends  beyond  the   Hahn  (ERHS),  Mr.  Ostercamp  (ZHS)  and   small  businesses  can  have  on  education   dents.
        typical transactional relationship between a   Mr.  Levalle  (ZHS),  have  expressed  their   and  community  development  and  serves
        business  and  its  customers,”  said  Mr.  Tim   gratitude for Jack’s involvement.  as an inspiring example of how a business
        Hahn  of  Elk  River  High  School.  “  Jack  is   “His  willingness  to  share  knowledge   owner’s  commitment  to  collaboration  and
        genuinely  invested  in  the  success  of  these   and  promptly  address  our  needs  has  not   community can make a lasting difference in
        programs.”                          only enhanced the quality of education but   the lives of students and educators alike.
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