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Teaching Today Minnesota | Summer/Back to School 2024  STEM/Transportation                                                            Page 17

                   Putting Students in the Driver’s Seat

                                                            A  leader  in  the  north-  their  program  to  ref ect  the  needs  of  their   from  Ford  Motor  Company  surprised  him
                                                            east  metro,  WBLAS   local automotive industry, and to best serve   in  his  Automotive  class  with  a  personal
                                                            Career    Pathways   the students who elect to enroll in the courses.   congratulations  for  completing  over  200
                                                            has  evolved  from  its   One  of  these  changes  was  partnering   courses within the F-ACE program. In
                                                            inaugural   pathway   with  Ford  Motor  Company  to            April,  representatives  from  the
                                                            in  Manufacturing  to   add Ford Automotive Career                 company  stopped  back  to
                                                            encompass  nine  dif-  Exploration  (F-ACE)  to                      meet  Hendrickson  and  to
                                                            ferent  pathways  in   their program.                                 personally  congratulate
                                                            the  areas  of  Busi-  “F-ACE  has  been                               him on his accomplish-
                                                            ness,  Communication   a  huge  game  changer                           ment  of  completing
                                                            Technology,   Con-  for  the  program,”                                 over  500  modules.
                                                            struction,  Education,   said White Bear Lake                           Company   represen-
                                                            Engineering  &  Manu-  Area  High  School                               tatives  shared  they
                                                            facturing,  Family  &   (WBLAHS)   Auto-                                were not aware of any
                                                            Consumer   Sciences,   motive   Instructor                             other students who had
                                                            Health  &  Wellness,   Derek  Doescher.  “It                           completed  this  many
                                                            Information  Technol-  has allowed me to mimic                       modules  while  still  in
                                                            ogy,  and  Automotive.   my curriculum to what my                   high  school,  and  that  both
                                                            With  federal  f nancial   students will experience while         of them are on track to become
                                                            support  from  Perkins,   attending a postsecondary automo-   certif ed  Ford  Technicians  follow-
                                                            Career Pathways relies   tive program, or while working at one of our   ing graduation if they choose to do so.
                                                            on  its  strong  commu-  local  industry  partners  to  help  students  to   In the fall of 2024, White Bear Lake
                                                            nity  partnerships  with   build their resume.”        Area High School students in grades 9–12
        Marisa Vette, APR                                   local  businesses  to   This  school  year,  two  juniors  have   will come together in the newly-renovated
        Director of Communications and Community   ensure  curriculum,  course  sequencing  and   taken  full  advantage  of  the  opportunities   unified  high  school.  District  leaders,
           Relations                        student experiences are in line with industry   with  F-ACE.  WBLAHS  students  Andrew   instructor Doescher and countless industry
        White Bear Lake Area Schools        standards  and  are  available  to  students  for   Klier  and  Jonny  Hendrickson  have  com-  partners  have  been  hard  at  work  in  plan-
                                            hands-on exploration and mentorship.  pleted  more  F-ACE  modules  than  any   ning the new state-of-the-art space, which
            For the past 10 years, White Bear Lake   White Bear Lake Area Schools’ Trans-  other  high  school  student  in  the  United   will  feature  bigger  garage  doors,  new
        Area Schools (WBLAS) has offered Career   portation  Career  Pathways  team  has  been   States.  In  December,  Klier  was  recognized
        Pathways for its students in grades 8 to 12.
                                            working hard over the past f ve years to align   for  his  achievements  when  representatives   Continued on Page 22

                             BHS Automotive Program Receives National Accreditation

                                                                                cation  and  industry  leaders,  it  gives  added   struts, welding and diagnostics.
                                                                                assurance that Burnsville graduates will be   “The  automotive  program,  as  well
                                                                                employable  entry-level  technicians.  As  a   as  other  trades  classes,  offers  transferable
                                                                                result of the quality education provided by   skills,” said Russ Tesmer, technology educa-
                                                                                Burnsville High School, the motoring public   tion teacher and automotive instructor. “Not
                                                                                will  benef t  since  better  repair  technicians   all students in the automotive pathway will
                                                                                will join the work force.”         end  up  in  the  f eld,  but  the  skills  they’ve
                                                                                   The automotive program at Burnsville   learned here will help them in other career
                                                                                High  School  (BHS)  provides  real-world   f elds.”
                                                                                learning experiences for students and helps   The  automotive  repair  program  at
                                                                                them easily move into desired careers in the   Burnsville High School is part of the school’s
                                                                                automotive f eld.                  Pathways model, which is designed to help
                                                                                   Through  various  grants,  like  the  Min-  students  f nd  their  passion  and  prepare  for
                                                                                nesota Department of Labor and Industry’s   success after graduation by providing oppor-
                                                                                Youth  Skills  Training  grant,  generous   tunities  to  earn  college  credit  and  industry
                                                                                donations and on-going support from busi-  certif cations  without  having  to  leave  the
                                                                                ness  partnerships,  students  have  access   school  campus.  Learn  more  about  District
                                                                                to  cutting-edge  equipment,  job  shadow-  191’s PreK-12 Pathways model at pathways.
                                                                                ing  opportunities,  paid  work  experiences,
                                                                                certif cations and early college credit oppor-  The  ASE  Education  Foundation  is  a
                                                                                tunities.                          non-prof t,  independent  organization  that
                                                                                   Automotive  classes  are  rigorous  and   evaluates  and  accredits  entry-level  techni-
        Burnsville-Eagan-Savage School District 191  Education Foundation. Nationally accepted   relevant, and curriculum aligns with indus-  cian  training  programs  against  standards
            The  automotive  training  program  at   standards  of  excellence  in  areas  such  as   try  standards  and  expectations.  A  student   developed by the automotive industry.
        Burnsville  High  School  has  received  ASE   instruction,  facilities  and  equipment  were   who goes through the program, from engine
        Training  Program  accreditation  in  Main-  used.                      technology  to  welding  &  auto  repair  to
        tenance  and  Light  Repair  by  the  ASE   “This  is  great  news  for  automotive-  advanced  vehicle  services,  will  know  how
        Education Foundation.               minded  young  people  and  their  parents,”   to perform a variety of repairs and services
            To  achieve  this  coveted  recognition,   said  Michael  Coley, ASE  Education  Foun-  by the time they graduate. Some of the skills
        the  school’s  automotive  training  program   dation  President.  “Because  this  program   students  learn  are  balancing  and  aligning
        underwent  rigorous  evaluation  by  the ASE   increases  cooperation  between  local  edu-  tires,  changing  front/rear  brakes,  replacing
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