Page 12 - TTMNFall2024
P. 12
Page 12 Electronic Edition:
BHS Computer Lab Provides Real-Life Experiences,
Business Training and Serious Competition
as they have the equipment at home, but not and bodies are in top shape.
all schools have computer labs that allow stu- It doesn’t quite get the attention of college
dents without their own equipment to practice football yet, but the team helps students learn
at school. about what scholarships might be available
The new lab allows teams of students to and connects them with colleges so they can
gather together to practice and compete. make the best choices for themselves.
unlike traditional sports, there’s no set Like their counterparts in traditional
schedule, so having the lab available to them sports, gamers benefit from participation by
is a huge advantage for BHS students. The learning how to work as a team, sportsman-
team will practice in person at least once a ship, setting high expectations and exploring
week when possible, but different games have new challenges.
different schedules. One may play on Wednes- The new lab shows a student-focused
days and another on Thursdays, so the team’s commitment from District 191 to provide stu-
practice schedule has to be flexible. dents with the opportunity to grow their skills
Esports is a growing enterprise with a in an activity that is growing in popularity.
bright future. Blaze esports is made up of With access to these tools, there’s no question
several different teams playing different games that students will continue to excel not only in
with most players being part of multiple teams. the esports world but will continue to develop
It’s fairly casual at the high school level, but the computer and life skills that will serve
it still presents gamers with opportunities to them well as they pursue college and career
continue after graduation. Colleges, especially opportunities.
Burnsville-Eagan-Savage School District 191 name it,” Carroll said. “We also use simu- smaller ones, are using esports to attract stu-
Picture a computer lab from your high lations where students can see customers dents with fierce competition and tournament
school. What do you see? Maybe it’s a room walking around on the screen. Sometimes they play getting national attention. Some have
full of huge desktop computers with towers get mad at you and a little bubble will pop up paid staff and labs dedicated solely to esports.
and monitors that take up half the desk. Maybe and say ‘I’m not shopping here ever again.’ It’s At the college level, they’ve also introduced
it’s got floppy disks (large or small depend- good for kids because that’s sometimes what physical training so that participants’ minds
ing on how old you are) or maybe your high customers do.”
school simply didn’t have one. At Burnsville The lab fosters a collaborative environ-
High School (BHS), students are now using ment, with virtually every Pathway using its
a refreshed and revamped computer lab for a resources to take learning to the next level. In our next issue of
wide variety of activities to prepare them for Engineering students use computer-aided
their future. design (CAD). Construction students col-
The lab was built over the 2022-23 school laborate with students from manufacturing, TEACHING
year and when it opened in the fall of 2023, it engineering, design and technology to build
featured all the software needed for traditional houses and design the interiors. Culinary TODAY MN ™
classes and esports. The lab is a hub of activ- students share notes on recipes and make
ity throughout and beyond the school day. No adjustments according to the number of people
matter the subject, classes are able to use the a meal will serve.
lab in all seven periods of the day, and before “It’s a seamless transition from tradi- Construction
and after school, members of the Blaze esports tional methods to digital files,” said Carroll.
teams use it to practice or for competitions. Carroll added that the use of technology
The main goal of the lab is to provide students has allowed students to feel more assured and
with a sneak peek of what awaits them in their comfortable as they learn.
chosen pathways, whether that is the work- “It’s enhancing learning now, and it gives
place or higher education. students a better understanding and more con-
“We teach to industry standards, so we fidence,” she said. “They have a much better CTE
use software that’s industry standard,” said understanding of what they’re studying and
Michele Carroll, a Career Technical Education what they’re getting into.”
(CTE) business education teacher, and high Students also have the opportunity to take
school building leadership team leader for a Microsoft course where they can earn dual Automotive
CTE. “We use Adobe and Microsoft to start so credit with a community college. “Learning
that students see what businesses would have how to use all the functions of the [Microsoft]
them do since those are seen in most work- Office suite is something that helps them to be
places.” career-ready,” said Carroll. We want to hear about your
A digital version of real-world situations There’s no Oregon Trail here. A look at
The lab uses software and systems that esports at BHS Career Pathways Programs!
give students a unique digital perspective, For the members of the Blaze esports
including simulations of a wide variety of teams, the lab serves as a practice and com- Please contact:
career pathways. petition space with equipment that can handle Andria — 715-360-4875, or
“Our biggest emphasis is marketing, so the fast-paced world of competitive gaming.
they’re creating videos — PSAs (public service One of the pros and cons of esports is Renee — 715-839-7074
announcements), commercials — posters, you that students can practice on their own as long