Page 4 - TTMNWinter2025
P. 4

Page 4                                                                                                 Electronic Edition:

             Explore the                                                                                          18 Construction-Related

             100+ academic                                                                                                Academic Options

             options at NDSCS

             and go from college

             to career in an

             affordable two years.

                                                                                      ■   71% of Minnesota
                                                                                         degree-seeking students

                                                                                         attend tuition-free

                                                                                      ■   Over $1.4 million in available

                                                                                      ■   Academic programs in
            18 Transportation-Related                                                    high-demand career fields
            Academic Options

             PLUS get the full

             student life experience

             in Wahpeton with

             residence halls, athletics,

             clubs, events and more!

            THE                                                                                       LEARN MORE ABOUT NDSCS

            WAY TO
            COLLEGE                         WAHPETON  |  FARGO  |  ONLINE                                                   Information based on 2023 NDSCS data.
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