Page 6 - TTMNSummer2024
P. 6

        Page 6                                                                                                 Electronic Edition:

        LEARN2BUILD Demolishes Gender Stigmas in The Construction Trades

                                                                                to the construction building trades industry.   each other in a variety of construction-related
                                                                                By combining fun and games with Science,   trades through this summer program.
                                                                                Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)   “We’re  excited  to  see  our  summer
                                                                                students are introduced to career paths such   program growing,” said Learn2Build direc-
                                                                                as  pipef tting,  civil  engineering,  plumb-  tor, Mary DesJarlais. “It’s exciting to see so
                                                                                ing, painting and more. Their time with the   many girls in this class, we are working on
                                                                                program  is  spent  doing  exciting  activities   establishing  more  programs  for  girls  inter-
                                                                                focused  on  the  construction  trades  while   ested  in  STEM,  it’s  good  for  them  to  see
                                                                                meeting  other  students  who  share  similar   that women can work in construction and the
                                                                                interests.                         trades and be successful.”
                                                                                   The  students  participating  in  this  two-  Along  with  Learn2Build,  schools
                                                                                week Learn2Build camp had the opportunity   across  Minnesota  are  beginning  to  imple-
                                                                                to  visit  the  local  community  &  technical   ment more classes that can prepare students
                                                                                college and its Plumbing Lab, where appren-  for post graduation plans that don’t include
                                                                                tices  studying  plumbing  learn  the  trade   a  traditional  four-year  university.  Schools
                                                                                through hands-on experience. With the help   such  as  where  Aylli  attends,  Washing-
                                                                                of a few plumbers from the Local 34, Aylli   ton  Technology  Magnet  School,  pride
                                                                                and the other students got to measure, cut and   themselves  in  specializing  in  BioSMART
                                                                                construct their own marshmallow launchers   (Biological Science, Math, Academic Rigor,
                                                                                out of PVC pipes.                  and Technology) courses, to give students a
        Karin Ellefson, Courtesy of the Construc-  in her hands. She frequently draws characters   “I never really thought I enjoyed math   more diverse education.
        tion Careers Foundation             from movies she watches.            or  science,  but  Learn2Build  has  made  me   “Now  I  know  there  are  jobs  like  this
            Before signing up for the Learn2Build   ThroughLearn2Build, Aylli has pushed   rethink that a little,” Aylli said. “I love being   out  there,  I  might  consider  taking  classes
        summer  construction  experience  program,   her creativity and curiosity about building   able to work with my hands and be creative.”  in school that are construction based,” Aylli
        12-year-old Aylli Alford  had  never  consid-  to the next level by seeing what construc-  One of the main goals of Learn2Build   said.  “I  could  even  be  able  to  help  out  at
        ered that she might enjoy working hands-on   tion is all about. “My mom helped me get   is to direct more young students, especially   home with f xing stuff now!”
        with tools and supplies.            signed up for this [Learn2Build] when we   girls, to careers in STEM and the construc-
            Aylli,  a  7th  grader  from  Washington   saw it on a flyer from school,” Aylli said.   tion trades to build a more diverse workforce
        Technology Magnet School has always had   “I’m  really  glad  we  did.  Everything  has   in the future.
        a passion for drawing. She excels in art class   been so fun!”             Aylli, along with a handful of other girls
        and spends her free time with a sketchbook   Learn2Build is a program that exposes   that  signed  up  for  Learn2Build,  are  seeing
                                            students in grades 4-9 around the Twin Cities   both  men  and  women  working  alongside

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