Page 10 - TTMNSummer2024
P. 10

        Page 10                                                                                                Electronic Edition:

                   Irondale Work Based Learning Coordinator Angela Zappa Pairs Tech Ed

                   Courses and Career Planning

                                                    around  helping  students  with  an   our  students  who  want  to  work  with  their   happens in this new course: OSHA 10 Safety
                                                    interest  in  construction  connect   hands,” Zappa said.      Training, job site tours, apprenticeship train-
                                                    with  relevant  work  opportunities   Zappa teaches two courses at Irondale:   ing  center  tours,  guest  speakers,  and  f eld
                                                    and  programs  that  support  their   Careers Plus and Trades and Manufacturing   trips,” Zappa said.
                                                    career exploration process.  Career Exploration.                   We  didn’t  know  how  many  students
                                                       “More  than  1,700  students   “The ‘Plus’ in Career Plus is the On-the-  would  register  for  this  new  class,  but  the
                                                    are  enrolled  at  Irondale  High   Job training part of our program; at Irondale   response represented an overwhelming inter-
                                                    School  (located  in  New  Brigh-  we recognize many of our students already   est in the construction trades and excitement
                                                    ton). I help students identify their   work part-time jobs. When possible, we try   for touring real workplaces.
                                                    skills,  explore  careers  of  inter-  to  match  their  career  interests  with  their   “There  was  enough  student  interest  to
                                                    est,  and  investigate  steps  needed   part-time jobs,” Zappa said. “Some students   offer two full classes next year,” Zappa said.
                                                    to  enter  that  specif c  career   are helping their families by contributing to   “We worked with the dean team to identify
                                                    pathway,”  Zappa  said.  “A  four-  monthly  bills  and  it’s  important  that  they   students whose interests would be a good f t
                                                    year college degree isn’t the right   understand their salary, benef ts, and career   for this program, and we’re double what we
                                                    f t for all students, especially with   advancement opportunities.”  had hoped for in response.”
                                                    the  variety  of  training  options                                As an educator who thrives on helping
                                                    through apprenticeship programs,   Career Exploration Courses at   students  ‘f nd  their  f t,’  Zappa  is  thrilled  at
                                                    technical  colleges  and  work-                                the student body interest in her new course.
                                                    force  training  programs  intended  Irondale                      In  response  to  a  growing  demand  for
                                                    to  propel  students  into  a  high-  Irondale  High  School  offers  a  variety   trades  professionals  nationally,  Zappa  also
                                                    demand career.”            of  technical  education  courses  to  students   investigated internship opportunities that her
                                                       In  her  career  at  Irondale,   including  Engineering,  Small  Engines,   trades students could explore locally through
                                                    Zappa’s  experiences  as  an  edu-  Digital  Electronics,  Welding,  and  a  course   community partnerships and employers.
                                                    cator  have  made  her  realize  the   titled  “How  to  Make Almost Anything”  (a   “Our goal in the Career and Technical
                                                    importance of developing founda-  woodshop and general construction focused   Education department is to prepare students
                                                    tional  academic  skills  alongside   course). Mounds View students also have the   for a successful career by connecting skills
                                                    employability  skills  so  that   opportunity to enroll in these courses.  learned in the classroom to skills needed for
                                                    students can f nd success in a ful-  In  addition  to  these  skills  courses,   success and growth in a career,” Zappa said.
                                                    f lling career after high school.  Zappa  supports  trades  and  manufacturing   Courtesy of the Construction Careers
                                                       “I’ve taught English, Special   focused  students  with  career  exploration   Foundation
            Irondale  High  School  Career  Naviga-  Education  and  eventually  moved  into  the   courses  such  as  her  Careers  Plus  program
        tor  and  Work-Based  Learning  Coordinator   Work-Based  Learning  coordinator  role.    and a new course called Trades and Manu-
        Angela  Zappa  challenges  her  students  to   During my time as a work coordinator, I’ve   facturing Career Exploration.  irondale.
        think about their future after high school.  heard  the  cries  from  trades  and  manufac-  “I  know  that  name  is  a  mouthful,  but
            Zappa  has  conversations  about  careers   turing  f elds  due  to  the  shortage  of  skilled   we  wanted  to  be  clear  about  what  exactly
        with her students and has built a curriculum   workers.  There’s  so  much  opportunity  for

                         Spanier Earns Outstanding Teacher Award from Project Lead The Way

                                                           Way  (PLTW)  Teacher   allow all students, from all levels of learn-  adjust his classroom and lessons to reflect
                                                           Award,  which  recog-  ing, to advance in engineering, architecture,   the latest in curriculum and technology.”
                                                           nizes  educators  who   science, math and technology.”      Each  year  PLTW  honors  outstand-
                                                           demonstrate  a  strong   Spanier, a PLTW Master Teacher, has   ing  teachers  and  administrators  across  the
                                                           record of delivering an   been  a  teacher  at  Delano  for  nearly  20   network  who  play  an  immeasurable  role
                                                           inspiring and empower-  years with the last 15 years teaching PLTW   in  preparing  students  to  thrive  in  college,
                                                           ing  student  experience   Gateway  to  seventh  and  eighth-grade  stu-  careers  and  beyond.  When  Spanier  is  not
                                                           while expanding access   dents. PLTW honored Tory Spanier for his   teaching PTLW Gateway classes, as a PTLW
                                                           to PLTW programs and   leadership and dedication to PLTW. For the   Master Teacher he trains and mentors other
                                                           transforming teaching.  past 15 years, Spanier has engaged students   PTLW teachers across the U.S.
                                                               “Delano  is  proud   in Design and Modeling curriculum and in
                                                           of  Tory’s  dedication   Automation  and  Robotics  curriculum.  In
                                                           to  students  and  to   7th  grade,  students  discover  design  pro-
                                                           applied  learning,”  said   cesses and develop an understanding of the
                                                           Delano  Public  Schools   influence  of  creativity  and  innovation  in
                                                           Superintendent,   Matt   their lives. Eighth-grade students combine
                                                           Schoen.   “Although   mechanisms with input and output devices
                                                           Tory  has  many  great   to automate mechanisms and are challenged
        Delano Public Schools                              qualities,  his  greatest   to apply what they have learned.
            Tory Spanier, a Project Lead the Way   strength  is  his  commitment  and  student-  “DHS students are lucky to have Mr.
        teacher  at  Delano  High  School,  is  one  of   centered approach to teaching and learning.   Spanier  as  a  teacher,”  said,  Delano  High
        only  38  teachers  across  the  U.S.  to  earn   His  encouragement,  unfailing  enthusiasm,   School  Principal,  Barry Voight.  “He  is  an
        the 2023-24 Outstanding Project Lead the   and  commitment  to  PLTW  and  students   innovator  who  is  consistently  looking  to
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